The external testing of DEGREBE materials

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More than 200 respondents from 5 countries expressed their opinion on the DEGREBE Digital educational package and Trainer’s Guide. There were 46 educators/trainers/facilitators among them, the remaining 173 people being students and young employees in the agricultural sector (aged 16-22). The questionnaires were shared online. The respondents first played the Avocado Boy online game ( and read the Trainers’ Guide, to get an impression.

The answers are very positive. Let us have a quick look at what was said about the practicality of the Educational package and the Trainers’ Guide by the statistics:

Verbal feedback comments arrived mostly to the Digital educational package. The partnership got encouragement from such feedback comments which e.g. praised the story or the design of the Avocado Boy game. Of course, possible improvements were also suggested, like using less dialogue and more illustrations in the game. Here we have to compromise (the game content must reflect certain knowledge elements of sustainable agricultural practices), but we are committed to take into consideration the testers’ opinions.

After the final corrections the Digital educational Package (Knowledge bases, quizzes, Avocado Boy game) is available at and the Trainers’ Guide can be read in a printed form or downloaded from the project website ( ) by the end of May 2024.

